Bhoto Jatra Bhoto Jatra (the traditional Bhoto display ceremony of Macchindranath). Bhoto means sleeveless vest and Jatra means festival. According to the Jatra rituals, the head of the state has to worship the deity .With the "bhoto display ceremony" ends the month-long Machhindranath festival and the idols then are taken back to their own places (Machhindranath to Bungmati and Minnath to Patan) It is believed that this Bhoto (vest ) was rewarded to a farmer by Karkot Naga (king of serpents) for curing the eye ailment of his Queen. But the farmer lost the Bhoto while working in his field. A year later when the farmer went to attend the Machhindranath festival at Jawalakhel, he saw the same giant wearing his vest. The farmer then started a fight with the giant.The Karkot Naga was also there . He then submitted the Bhoto to Machhindranath for safe keeping until someone claims it with evidence. July 29, 2016 The month long chariot pulling festival of Rato Machindr...
Showing posts from July, 2016