Operating System Concept
Questions and Answers:
1. What is an operating system?
®An operating system is a collection of system software that together controls the operation of a computer system.
2. What is MS-DOS?
®MS-DOS is a single user/single tasking operating system which was developed by Microsoft Company in the USA.
3. What are the functions of operating system?
®The functions of operating system are:
· Memory management
· File management
· Process management
· Command interpretation
· Security
· User Interface
4. What is booting?
®Booting is the process of loading MS-DOS system files loading into the computer memory.
5. What are the system files of MS-DOS?
®The system files of MS-DOS are:
6. Difference between external command and internal command.
®The difference between internal and external command are:
External command
Internal command
It is the command
stored in the disk as individual program files.
It is the command
which is the part of the COMMAND.COM file of MS-DOS.
These commands
are loaded to the computer's memory.
These commands
are loaded to the computer memory at the time of booting.
7. What is file?
®File is a collection of related information stored on a disk.
8. What is a directory?
®Directory is a table of content of a disk which is used to organize the file on the disks that makes it easy to handle files in the computer.
9. What is a sub-directory?
®Sub directory is a directory created inside another disk.
10. What is a disk drive?
®Disk drive is an electro-mechanical device that reads from and writes to disks.
11. What is the role of AUTOEXEC.BAT?
®The role of AUTOEXEC.BAT is to set the characteristics of devices, customize the information that MS-DOS displays, starts the application program.
12. What is the role of CONFIG.SYS file?
®The role of CONFIG.SYS file is to configure the hardware and reserve space in the memory for information processing the file which contains the command to configure the computer system.
13. What is recycle bin?
®Recycle bin is a special folder which temporarily holds the items that is deleted.
14. Write the functions of the following MS-DOS command.
a) C:\> DATE
®It displays the current system date and allows us to change if necessary.
b) C:\>TIME 1:30p
®It sets the current system time to 1:30 pm.
®It displays all files whose first name starts with A having extension BAS of subdirectory school of A drive from C drive.
d) C:\>DEL B???.TXT
®It deletes all the files whose first letter starts with B followed by 3 characters having extension txt of C drive.
®It renames the files first.txt to new file name second.txt of subdirectory class of C drive.
f) C:\>VOL B:
®It displays the volume label of B drive.
g) C:\>PROMPT $P$D$G of subdirectory
®It displays the prompt as C:\Mon 08/31/2015>
h) C:\>VER
®It displays the current DOS version of computer.
®It changes to the root directory of C drive.
®It creates a new file test.txt on B drive from C drive.
®It displays the content of the file TEST.TXT of subdirectory SCHOOL of B drive from C drive.
l) C:\>MD B:\MOM\SON
®It creates the subdirectory son under subdirectory MOM of B drive from C drive.
®It copies all the files having extension BAS of A drive to subdirectory SCHOOL of C drive from C drive.
n) C:\>DIR *.BAS/O-N
®It displays all the files having extension BAS in descending order.
o) A:\>DIR C:\A*.BAS/S
®It displays all the files whose first letter starts with A having extension BAS including subdirectories of C drive from A drive.
p) C:\>DIR *.*/AD
®It displays only subdirectories of C drive.
®It displays the prompt as BIDHAN.
r) C:\>PROMPT $P$G
®It displays the prompt as C:\>.
15) Write down the commands to perform the following tasks.
a) To create a text file names DAD.TXT under C drive.
b) To display the contents of DAD.TXT file of C drive.
c) To merge the contents of "Test1.txt" and "Test2.txt" to "Merged.Txt"
®C:\>COPY test1.txt+test2.txt merged.txt
d) To create a subdirectory "Word" under "School" directory of C drive.
e) To delete all files having extension "BAT" from the root directory of C: drive.
®C:\>DEL *.BAT
f) To display all files of each subdirectories of C: drive.
g) To copy all the files where the file name starts with "A" to the B: drive.
®C:\>COPY a*.*b:
h) To change the systems prompt of your computer.
i) To display the MS DOS version of your computer.
16) What is HTML?
®HTML is a language which is used to prepare web pages, which are used in Internet to exchange data and information.
17) What is web browser? Give any two example of web browser.
®Web browser is an application program that is stored in user's computer which is used to view the information of the webpage.
The 2 example of browser are:
1) Microsoft Internet Explorer
2) Netscape Navigator
18) How many levels of heading tags are there in HTML?
®There are 6 levels of heading tags.
19) What is the full form of URL.
®The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator.
20) Define upload and download.
It means to copy data or files to the server from local computer.
It means to copy data or files to the local computer from server.
21) What are tags?
®Tags are instructions that give signals to a browser.
22) Who developed HTML?
®Tim-Berners Lee developed HTML.
23) What is the function of the following tags?
®a) Title: It is used to type the HTML document which is display on Title Bar.
b) Body: IT is used for main body of HTML document.
c) Table: It inserts table in the HTML document.
d) A: It creates links between different or within the same document.
e) Hr: It is used to draw a horizontal line which helps to divide the text into logical sections.
f) Br: It is used to break the line.
g) P: It is used to break the paragraph.
h) Font: It is used to change the font faces, sizes and color of text.
24) Write the structure of HTML document.
25) Which tag provides scrolling text?
®Marquee tag provides scrolling text.
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